Satellite Earth Stations

A Design Model for the Monitor and Control System of Component-Based Satellite Earth Stations
Electromagnetic interference testing at the satellite earth stations
How to inspect the satellite earth stations ?
A real surface of reflector is always the deformed one for antennas in radars and satellite earth stations .
Electromagnetic Interference ( EMI ) testing is made practically at the satellite earth stations where EMI environment conditions are more complicated . This paper presents the testing problem of EMI at the satellite earth sations .
The application of spoofing technology in TCP protocol at gateways of satellite earth stations is able to increase the running efficiency of TCP protocol and transfer speed of data steams on satellite communication network for WAN using satellite links as communication channels .
Development of Terminal Technique of Satellite Communication Earth Stations
Requirements of terrestrial interface for domestic satellite communications earth stations
Universal , Serial and Combined Design of Automatic Testing Software in Satellite Communications Earth Stations
Microwave Frequency Synthesizer for Satellite Communication Earth Stations
Specification of antenna ( including feed network ) and servo system used in domestic satellite communication earth stations
In some autotracking antenna systems of the mobile satellite communication earth stations , the laser gyroscope is used for tracking , which proves to have some disadvantages .
Because of radar signal interference , difference between speech signal and TV signal will show , therefore the desired C / I ratio is determined basing on differential purposes of satellite communication earth stations .
The real reflectors of various antennas used in radar and satellite communication earth stations are distorted when affected by different loads . A new divided-fitting method is proposed which is quite different from the traditional best-fit paraboloid method .
This network is composed of one GEO satellite , several earth stations and one control station .
The MBS is a developing system for internet broadband services and consists of a communications satellite and two earth stations , which were installed on the ship and land .
Finally , how to design and develop a anti-jamming monitor system for satellite radio and television earth stations with this scheme is described carefully .
The aim of using radio multiple access technique is to solve the problem of how to share a satellite transponder by the earth stations in different geographical locations .